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Sellers Guide


Did you know....

Selling your home with the assistance of an experienced realtor will garner you a higher sale price, an average of 13% increase, enough to cover the commission as well as put more money in your pocket.


Step 1: Consultation


I would love to chat with you about your needs, and discuss a detailed strategy and expectations as far as selling your home lightning fast and for top dollar.


• How long have you been thinking about selling?

• What area / neighborhoods are you thinking of moving into?

• What is your Plan B, if we don't sell as quickly as you have in mind?

• What first attracted you to this home?

• What are you thinking in regards to price?


Step 2: House Preparation


This is a very critical step. This process involves getting your home ready to hit the market looking its best for potential Buyers!



Focus on the area around the front door. Pressure wash your roof to remove unsightly dirt and mold. Depersonalize the exterior of your home. Check your driveway and sidewalk in front of your house for any cracks. Open up curtains and blinds. Neutralize foul odors and make sure the house smells fresh for showings. Gather warranties for appliances. Sweep the garage, basement, and any other unfinished surfaces. Organize closets and drawers.


Step 3: Marketing


Tailored marketing plan to attract the right Buyers:

✔️ Hire professional photographer /Produce photos that "Sell"

✔️ Create catchy MLS listing presentation

✔️ Utilize Strong Online Presence to attract massive interest 

✔️ Optimize the listing campaign targeting the right buyer

✔️ Leverage Social Media Platforms to effectively promote the listing

✔️ Host the Open House

✔️ Amplify marketing efforts with advertising

✔️ Send mailers to the local community

✔️ Share listing information with other agents


Step 4: Review/ Accept Offer

Now is the exciting part! When we receive our first offer or multiple offers, I will discuss with you your options. It is important to understand every detail of the offer, contingencies, timelines and pricing.

✔️ Review the Offer

✔️ Negotiate the Offer

✔️ Satisfy Conditions


Approaching the Finish Line!!!!


Step 5: Home Inspections


The immediate step after we accept an offer is for Buyer to schedule a home inspection. The buyer will have a certain number of days to complete this inspection after the offer has been accepted (per contract)

The Buyer's home inspection report will address all items considered defective that may require fixing prior to closing



Step 6: Appraisal, Title Search, & Final Lender Letter

The title is right to own, possess, use and control of a property. When purchasing a home buyer is obtaining a seller's title to the home. Before finalizing the transaction, a title search is performed to ensure there are no leans or other issues that would complicate the sale of your property.


An appraisal, is an estimate of the fair value of your property. It not only justifies the lender's investment, but also protects the buyer from overpaying for the property. Buyer's lender typically hires an appraiser. Appraisal fee is covered by the buyer at the closing. As long as we're priced appropriately, this shouldn't affect us in any way.


Final commitment lender's letter approves the home loan! Buyer will receive a letter and loan term per mortgage agreement. While the buyer is wrapping up financing, it's time for you to finish up any packing!

You MADE IT, Clear to CLOSE!!

Step 7: The Closing

The closing process finalizes the sale of your home.

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